Cultivating and tending to the roots that ground us into ourselves, our deep inner knowing, and in turn our community via the process of internal alchemy.

In the day to day, we tend to neglect the self care and self awareness necessary to thrive in this world as luminous beings. Sacred Roots was created with the intention of blending the traditions of tattooing with a spiritual and mindful approach. I believe that this art form not only physically transforms an individual, but also embodies the opportunity to actualize and implement a sense of ritual into one’s life, even for just a brief moment. When I use the word “ritual” in reference to this tattoo practice, I mean in the sense of creating a personal right of passage, honoring something of importance, or simply connecting with the self in a different way within the space of tattooing. Ritual can also be the routines that ground us back into ourselves within the day to day busy buzz of our lives.

Sacred Roots is a space intended to allow oneself to drop down and connect to the beauty and wisdom that lies deep within us all.

A journey of melding the mundane with the spiritual realms…

Rebekkah Helviki has been professionally tattooing since 2006, eventually combining her translation of the art-form with a more spiritual and ceremonial intention.  She weaves her passion for communing with nature, animistic philosophies, internal alchemy, and esoteric mysteries into her uniquely divine art. During her career she has worked as a gypsy nomad, tattooing domestically and internationally for years prior to putting down her roots in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains. During her nomadic life, Rebekkah committed herself to a continued path of spiritual growth through plant medicine, meditation, yoga, dance, and studying the runes. These practices have carried over into the development of ceremonial tattoo.  Rebekkah’s relationship with tattooing goes far beyond the art form itself, forging deep connections with her clients and gaining an intimate understanding of their stories. With a deep appreciation and reverence for her clients  she performs her highly intentional craft and is able to act as a conduit of sorts in the alchemical process of manifesting her clients ideas into physical permanence. This journey has been a majorly transformative part of her life, that she hopes will be a part of yours too.